Look we live in a highly misogynistic society. One that doesn’t more often than not believe that sexual abuse can be perpetrated by a female on a male. It is because of this that I think females think or have gotten away with rape and abuse for so long. Maybe this story from a high school in Colton, California can change things. A female high school athletic trainer, Tiffany Strauss is being accused by multiple victims of sexual abuse which occurred in various places in the school premises. She hasn’t been arrested yet so it is too early to say if the allegations are true on not .What makes it astonishing was that it was well known that if you are new at the school you get “Tiffany” treatment, their name for the acts. A classic case of the bystander effect. One is not able to render assistance to a victim when he or she that others aren’t intervening(Kitty Genovese dying while several witnesses saw her stabbing in 1964)What power did Tiffany hold over the boys? Her father is a legendary football coach in the high school circles. Ah, the power that nepotism gives you hey. Now hiring a famous athletic family isn’t a capital crime, but not having checks and balances to keep the person in check is. Kind of reminds me of the Pamela Smart story from the early 90s.

Smart was a heck of a teacher, some even laud her ability to relate to students and extremely attractive. She used those facts to hoodwink and have relations with 4 boys and got them to kill her husband so she could avoid a costly divorce. Checks and balances are a must if you hire based on someone’s family reputation. I know what you thinking, high school football players are big and strong so how the hell did a female trainer take advantage of them? Has a door salesperson ever convinced you of buying something that you don’t like or want. Female abusers are adept at selling the idea to their victims that it’s okay that there is nothing wrong with it. He’s what I think Tiffany did. If you are not down with what I am about to do to you, you aren’t getting into the team, I will make your life in the school a living hell. That is more than enough to ensure compliance. There is an element of force in it and that constitutes rape in my book. Finally, this is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way, but Tiffany probably isn’t going to go to jail. It is the passage of time that is the victims’ undoing , 20 years have passed since the alleged acts happened. I know, it is the fear of ridicule that makes particularly male victims not come forward in time but they really did law enforcement a disservice by not coming forward earlier.